1 Bed, 333 sqft, $969, Avail 2/11
2 Bed, 640 sqft, $1245, Avail 2/11
1 Bed, 333 sqft, $969, Avail 2/11
2 Bed, 640 sqft, $1245, Avail 2/11
One-month deposit, which is fully refundable after the rental contract is completed.
$250 cat deposit & $45 mo for one pet or $70 for two pets.
* rates, fees, and utilities included are subject to change
I graduated from Portland State University with a Business degree in Finance and Law. Shortly after, I began a career in the mortgage industry. This led to an intimate knowledge of lending and investing in real estate.
I've been investing and developing apartment communities since 1998. I try and form residential communities that will appeal to people who prefer the classic look but also want modern day conveniences.
I pride myself in keeping my tenants happy and worry free. I hope people will tell their friends about our establishments and have them spread the word that we are different.
As you will see our staff is kind and courteous. We strive to satisfy your needs.
Thank you for taking the time to look at and we look forward to years of worry free living.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
590 Union St NE, Salem, Oregon 97301, United States
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: By appointment